
For Children:

Children are not little adults, they have their own personality, strength and resilience which unfold and evolve through different stages of their development. When their needs in development e.g. a secure attachment with the caretaker, are not met, children can be hard to understand because they do not speak the same language as adults do. These developmental deficiencies may reveal themselves through difficulties in emotions, behaviors or relationships.
“Play is the language of children and toys are their words” (Landreth, 2002).

Given a secure and non-judgmental environment, unstructured play allows children express and resolve their interior obfuscations, anxieties and other psychosocial challenges. Together with the appropriate ingredients and intervention, the playing process can help them achieve social integration, growth and development. In my practice, I have worked with children for the following issues:

• Autistic Spectrum Disorder
• Temper tantrums and difficulty with emotional regulation
• Difficulty in sleep and eating
• Anxiety, fear, depression
• Attachment issues
• Abuse, neglect
• Sibling rivalry, relationship problems
• School refusal, lack of motivation for learning


 All Released by Chorus Counseling Services Limited